
I have worked on a variety of projects for both myself and clients. Below are just some of the many videos I have produced.


Red Reserve

I have collaborated with the organisation ‘Red Reserve’ on multiple projects. Here are just a few of my favourites.


I have edited a lot of videos for Drift0r, including some episodes of his ‘In Depth’ series where he goes into a games various mechanics in great detail.

I have edited this series for multiple games, and it is one of the longest running series of videos I have worked on.


I worked with the popular YouTuber Randumb, editing multiple videos a week with fast turnarounds. This was primarily Fortnite related content, and gave me the experience of working with a green screen and experimenting with various new editing techniques.


One of my newest full-time clients is the content creator Formula. I work with him daily, producing high quality videos on a consistent basis.

FaZe Jarvis

I also edited a video for FaZe Jarvis as a stand in for his regular editor. I finished this video within hours of receiving the project and produced a high quality video in little time.

Personal Videos

In addition to client work, I also create content for myself to both experiment with new editing techniques and help refine established ones. Here are some of my personal favourites.